Indiana Jones Adventure
In the film "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" (1984), after a mine cart chase to escape the temple, Indiana Jones emerges above ground and is again cornered by Mola Ram and his henchmen on a rope bridge high above a crocodile-infested river.
Are you ready to experience this adventure and feel like in the movie scene?
If so, then you should really cross the "Tibetan Bridge" in Laviano, a small village 20 min by car from our apartments. The bridge is 80 meters high, 90 meters long and offers an amazing view over the Sele Valley. It is suspended above deep gorges carved into the rock by an ancient river.
On the upper part of the village you can also visit the ruins of a Medieval castel. Its origins are traced back to the ancient Norman period when, for want of Conte Guglielmo de Laviano, the mighty fortress was located in this strategic location to facilitate observation of the territory and consequently his defense.
What a great experience to share with friends and family!