Indiana Jones Adventure
"Tibetan Bridge" in Laviano, a small village 20Â min car from our apartments. The brindge is 80 meters hight, 90 meters long and of
Top 3 Ghost Towns You Must See In Campania Region (Italy)
Over time natural calamities (earthquakes, landslides) destroyed many villages in Campania region (Southern Italy) and for this reason...
Mary of the River Church
Searching for the "Mary of the River Church", one of the most mystic place we have ever experienced! The trail to reach this surrealistic...
Hunting Valley Oasis
Oasi Valle della Caccia (Hunting Valley Oasis) is a nature reserve located 20 min by car from our house. HIKING in this uncontaminated...
Mountain bike tour
Panoramic mountain bike tour on the mountains surrounding our village. The trail starts at 1000 m of altitude and ends at Casa Elisabetta...